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Researcher Song Yanlin from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Visited Defu Technology and Gave a Special Report

From February 1st to February 3rd, researcher Song Yanlin of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (director of the Key Laboratory of Green Printing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, winner of National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, Changjiang Distinguished Professorship), and Li Huizeng, associate researcher of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (master tutor, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Promotion Association), and Li An, a postdoctoral fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited our company. Mr. Song gave an academic lecture entitled "Nano Green Printing Manufacturing Technology", and talked about the prospect to the development of "Nano Printing" and the field of chemical materials.

Researcher Song Yanlin visited our company's culture and technology exhibition hall, Everest Laboratory and production workshop, and had discussions with the company's president Luo Jia, General Manager of the R&D Center Jiang Yang, Chief Engineer Jin Rongtao, PHD team and heads of relevant departments to understand the development history, scientific research, and talent training of our company, and listened to the report on the research and development projects of the technical team. Mr. Song spoke highly of our company's research and development projects, and said he would continue to assist in the research and development of Defu Technology.


This visit of Song Yanlin's team inspired new ideas for our company to solve the bottleneck problem in the copper foil industry, and proposed a new forward-looking research and development direction. On the road of project research and development, the company will continue to base itself on the fundamentals, make long-term plans, and focus on key layout, to further build up Defu Technology’s confidence in “Forging a leading brand in the world, Setting the standard in the copper foil”, and cultivate and produce high-level scientific research results. Mr. Song pointed out that the porous copper foil and variable width technology developed by Defu Technology are of great significance and have a very broad market, and had fully affirmed the development of the project.


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